You are not racist. That much is completely clear. Now, the other issue you write about - Freedom of Speech. No, I don't want to ban Dave Chappelle. I don't listen to him and I hope most thoughtful people won't when he goes on about his wrong-headed ideas surrounding LGTBQ+ issues. But he is a voice. There will be some who do listen to him. Maybe even JK Rowling (I am so disappointed in her!). I think we have a kind of twisted view of freedom of speech. We think we have the right to spill our vitriol over any doggone thing, whether it affects us or is relevant to us or in the final instance is even our business! Some men especially want to talk about what happens in uteruses. Sorry, you don't got one, you don't get to decide what happens in one. Period. But in the end, we don't just have freedom of speech, we need to carve for ourselves a freedom of hearing. You don't like what people say with their freedom to speak? Don't hear it. Don't give it the power of your listening ear. Or act and use your voice, as you do, to counter the idiocy and mean-spiritedness.