Take your penis and stick it some place else. You have no say on abortion and you can't stand that. You are patriarchy's poster boy. When will you understand that your invasion of women's bodies is a form of enslavement? The better part of intelligence is to stop while you are ahead. If you continue you just show yourself to be desperate to control women in order to enhance your own masculinity. 'I decide!' is the screaming last resort of the theocratic dictator who sees control slipping from his hands. Let women decide. WOMEN WILL DECIDE what they will do with their own bodies. Your blatant desire to stir the mud of indignation has fallen on deaf ears because it was in the first place ridiculous and reduced to the simplest possible idiocy. Women who make decisions about their bodies MUST have that right or we are living in Gilead. And you should just shut up now. Just because you can open your mouth and display your ignorance doesn't mean you should.