One reply here kind of hinted at the thing that stood out for me about Harry and Meghan. Brits don't like Americans telling them anything negative about their beliefs and practices. Meghan was as upfront and honest about who she was as she could be from the beginning. Harry loved her for it. She was also honest about what she saw that needed improvement, i.e. mental health understanding and services. As a mental health professional I can vouch for the difficulty encountered when a thing observed does not correspond with best evidence based practices. Identifying outloud what the problems are is an exercise in courage. Meghan also took Harry away from Britain for his health as well as hers. At least this was the perception. I give him more credit than that. I think he stood up as a real man and took a decision that protected his wife and family from a toxic environment that threatened them. Before anyone takes issue with that remember that toxicity is experienced by the person identifying it, not by the person standing far away and judging. Meghan being Black was certainly a factor in the growth of that toxicity. I've done informal reviews of the reporting in the press regarding both Kate and Meghan. The contrast is clear and deeply disturbing. The same actions were consistently identified as negative for Meghan and positive for Kate from very early on. Having said all that, I love my adopted country and I loved the Queen. I just wish that more British people were as accepting, as loving and encouraging of openess as the Queen grew out of her generation to be.