I was raped. Twice. Both times I was unlucky enough to become pregnant. I aborted one fetus. I could not conceive of carrying that man's child to term. He beat me, threatened me, stalked me and made my life a hell. So did the second man - exactly the same - and believing I would never have another chance to have another child and that I probably deserved all the bad things that were happening to me I didn't choose abortion and I actually married my second rapist. I did consider abortion. I thought about it a lot but in the end I chose not to choose and it simply got too late. When my daughter was six months old her father held a butcher knife to my neck and threatened to cut off my head. I don't know what I'd said or done. It doesn't matter. Nothing I could have done would have been worthy of that threat. The story of how I got away is for another time. I loved my children, all fo them equally and I certainly didn't blame my daughter for her father's ugliness. But he held a place in our lives I would have shut off and erased if I could. But I'd made a choice and that is the point. I chose both times; one actively and one by not choosing. That was my right. I will fight forever for any woman at any time to have the right to choose. I know that it is not easy. I know that life is not simple. I know that women are the only ones who know what they are facing. Choice is the only choice.