I remember a conversation on a busy market day in our little town. The gentleman was raving about how Brexit would solve all our problems - by which he undoubtedly meant immigration - surrounded by kiosks selling French, Italian, Spanish, and German products to name a few. Many of these kiosks were operated by people from the aforementioned countries. They enriched the market with their colorful products and presence. I told him to look at what was available for him to eat and to imagine where it came from and whether or not it would be available as cheaply as it then was when Brexit had its way with us. "Where are you going to get your tomatoes in December, sir?" I asked him. He didn't see that what went into his privileged mouth then, would be threatened by Brexit in the future. My husband pulled me away saying that it was useless to argue. He was right but that gentleman and his ilk were vastly wrong and now all of us are suffering and will suffer more for it.