I dated inter-racially several times back in the when. That's a long time ago, by the way. Things were a bit different then. It wasn't so prevalent. I didn't marry outside my race. It just didn't happen, there wasn't any conscious 'I mustn't do this' thinking. It was that the relationship didn't develop in that direction. I did hear how 'difficult' it would be but I hardly paid attention. Instead my attention was on the person I was with, getting to know them, finding commonality, discovering love and finally working out a way for us both to leave kindly when the relationship ended. Isn't that what you do with anyone? I know many people including my own grandchildren who are mixed race. They are beautiful children and I wouldn't have them any other way. I am so sorry for the girl who wishes she weren't mixed. So sad. If I could, I'd send her love and tell her she's who she is and that is a wonderment and I am glad she was born.