I am so sorry addiction happened to your brothers and to your family. It is so poorly understood and many people would rather stand in judgement than reach out to help. Myke managed to work through it and grab on to recovery with both hands. Larry however, is such an object lesson of how a ‘good’ man, a loving son, a responsible person can succumb to the power of drugs. It is insidious, rapid and all-consuming. It isn’t about character, moral fortitude or will. It is a disease with a clear beginning (Iraq, injury, inappropriate treatment), a middle (consequences, consequences, consequences) and an end (death or the struggle toward sobriety and health). As the old timers used to say ‘he’s hit bottom and bounced along there for a while’. There is light to see if he’d only look up and hands that will reach out to help him. But first he must admit where he is and what he is which is at the bottom and no longer what he was. So hard! And very hard to live through for family as well. Your honesty is remarkable and I would hope that you shared this article with him. Only honesty will help him now. My blessings to you and I wish the very best for Larry and your family.